Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I absolutely hate it when I see you put up a "V" sign. You do not have to put this up, I know how the letter "V" looks like. And like you, I also know how to count to two (The big difference is I can count to 30...without blinking my eye). Whenever I see people put up this sign, they make me want to cut off my fingers and feed it to Pinky, the resident askal.

It sickens mo to the the bone..whenever I see people take pictures showing off their "V" sign.
Wait...where did this all come from? This is not like some mushroom that sprung from a prostitute's ass... Do not fret, as the most educational blog has finally uncovered it's origin for people like you.*

A little bit of V sign history*:

During the 1972 Winter Olympics in Sapporo, figure skater Janet Lynn stumbled into Japanese pop culture when she fell during a free-skate period—but continued to smile even as she sat on the ice. (she did not break her neck) Though she placed only 3rd in the actual competition (loser), her cheerful diligence and indefatigability resonated with many
Japanese viewers, making her an overnight celebrity in Japan. (her boob popped out that's why!)

Read my lips: "I can do everything I want!"

Afterwards, Lynn was repeatedly seen flashing (NOT HER BOOBS) the V sign in the Japanese media. Though the V sign was known of in Japan prior to Lynn's use of it there (from the post-WWII Allied occupation of Japan), she is credited by some Japanese for having popularized its use in amateur photographs.

Through the 1970s and 1980s in Japan, the V sign was often accompanied by a vocalization: "piisu!" This gairaigo exclamation, which stood for "peace"*, has since fallen into disuse, though the V sign itself remains steadfastly popular.

I have two gaps in my mouth-classic V sign make sure it hits your cheek

Perhaps due to Japanese cultural influence,(which also includes: suicide, shinto, sushi, hentai and Sho Kosugi) the V sign in photographs has become popular with young Koreans, Hong Kongers, Taiwanese and Aliens as well.

The classic V alongside the eyes

V-sign in photographs has its origins from the Allied Occupation of Japan.(Not by Godzilla, but by Americans)

This V-sign of course meant "for victory," and the American and Allied occupation forces used this sign frequently, hence, the Japanese adopted this gesture into their culture - probably thinking this was a common gesture.

I have 2 broken teeth and 2 days to live.

This is also my understanding of how the gesture was introduced into Japanese culture.

Nowadays it's just considered "something you do when your photo is taken."

---A classic case of SGC or Social Groupie Syndrome.

probably the most popular V sign in the world

Now for Filipinos, it's either you're a Marcos Loyalist or just a plain copy cat.

Raise up those V signs or I will make you ride a bike around the elliptical road 200 times!

Anyway, I have a sign for all you people who have this habit of putting up a V sign every time you get photographed.

Here it is:


* V-sign obsessed moron
* from wikipedia and other sources
* it really means "I'm gay and I hump a tree!"


Mach said...

You missed to point out that the V sign was invented (not sure if that's the exact term) by famous history icon Winston Churchill. World peace that is never attainable.

Nice blog, by the way, I just don't agree with the style. A bit of a clutter, to be honest. But good work with the content. Keep this up.


Thank God Marcos is dead...

If he was able to read what you have typed here, he could have given orders for you to have the "Water therapy".

But he will not use water, he will use Imelda's urine.

Anonymous said...

your my next cofibean. hahaha! :]]

The Beauty Junkee said...

i just hate and love your blog at the same time. :P

jobertoholics around the world